Tuesday, April 05, 2005

i'm so fugged... project due this saturday and everything is not in place yet! really stressful, but guess this blog is a wonderful outlet for whining on and on without anyone being able to complain about it. heh. Can't wait for the end of my exams in may which would herald in the busy and fun activities of my holidays! Already made plans for increasing the intensity and frequency of my gym workouts and runs, picnic with jen and joanne(i smell... :( .. blackmail), cruising around at night with jen(hope i dont get lost haha), coffee dates with jenny mui, more time to work and earn $$$, 'cooking lessons' with ner.. waa and the amount of people i'll meet up with before i leave for australia. Makes me feel like a mobile zoo/sideshow....

skarekrow24 posted at 4:05:00 PM |
Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just found out that the next four weeks of my life is gonna be helluvaa busy. Exams, Projects, Assignments, Tests coming my way. Someone save me!!!!!!

skarekrow24 posted at 7:26:00 PM |
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Life's pretty much been going quite well in all areas for the past 3 mths, be it friendships, studies, fitness, monetary matters... too smooth i guess?
Been like patiently trying to build my castle using a deck of cards, trying to keep everything in a delicate balance, for the past 3 months, and i have to say its been great so far all the way..
My mom told me a lot of stuff this evening, what she said to me gave me a real shock. To think that she could fathom that anyone else in this world could have such devious, evil hearts just strikes me to the core. I know and believe in one saying that, Whoever extends trust, must expect to receive it. Those who distrust all others around them, its only because they themselves are the type that would betray your trust without a blink of an eye. If you knew that someone left a handphone behind and if you saw it, you would take it. Would you trust that if you yourself have left a handphone behind, other people wouldnt take it? i guess not. Or am i really the only fool left who believes in this, while the whole world has moved on? Am i just as naive as an idiot? No idea. Time to start building my castle of cards from ground zero.....

skarekrow24 posted at 4:18:00 AM |
Monday, March 07, 2005

The Sunday Times, March 6, 2005
"KUALA LUMPUR - Petrified of getting caught by the police for attending an illegal motorcycle race here, a one-legged man took off his prosthetic right leg and hopped away with such speed that he managed to escape.
He had initially struggled to run but eventually found it easier to pluck out his prosthetic limb and hop away amid the scampering crowd of spectactors and bikers.
Police even saw him climbing over a fence to escape but could not catch him because the crowd was in the way, an official said. "
Hilarious stuff.

skarekrow24 posted at 9:31:00 PM |
Friday, February 11, 2005

Was feeling really tired today and decided to skip my lecture. Making a one hour+ trip to Jurong and back just to listen to my lecturer read out stuff which are already in the notes is just plain dumb. I can read the notes on my own, thank you very much.

About 5+, i bathed and changed coz i'd be having dinner with my family @ Suntec. Went downstairs to my house's living room and realised that the only set of house keys for the front door(which is for common usage) werent in their usual location. So i called out for my maid who was in the backyard.

"Wawi!!! Wawi!! Hey, do you know where the house keys are?"

*no response*

Looked around a little more and found the keys on the floor near the stairs, Mum must have thrown the keys back into the house through the front door so that we could use it to unlock ourselves and get out. Used the keys to unlock and lock the front door once i got out. Called for my maid again this time cause i wanted to hand over the keys to her instead of mimic-ing my mom and just tossing them in through the front door, but to no avail again. Was running short of time, so just tossed the keys into the living room hall as far in as possible (to prevent intruders from breaking in by hooking out the keys). Then i started slipping on my shoes...


Oh, thats just my blur maid from the backyard... I shouted back, telling her that i'd thrown the keys into the living room.

"NONONNONOO!! Me locked outside!!"

Oh boy, my maid just locked herself outside on the other side of the house, in the backyard, and she wanted me to open up the backyard door for her. Didnt help that my house keys were IN THE FREAKING DAMN LIVING ROOM. Perfect timing..

Had to go over to my neighbour's place, very embarrassingly tell him of what happened, managed to borrow a really looooonnnnnggg bamboo stick, and try to fish the keys from my living room through the front door.

"..so just tossed the keys into the living room hall as far in as possible (to prevent intruders from breaking in by hooking out the keys)..."

Why did i have to try to be such a genius earlier on -__-, after 5 minutes and sweating and stretching.. finally managed to get the keys and... get myself late for the appointment.

Someone get me a new maid, PLEASEEEEEE ???!!!!!!

skarekrow24 posted at 11:48:00 PM |
Thursday, February 10, 2005

I've been on a really short fuse as of late, basically any small matters that irritate me slightly will get me to blow my top off. Have no idea why I'm like this, since most matters in my life are going reasonably well, except perhaps.. some stuff... So I extend my apologies to anyone I may have offended or upset with my irrational and uncalled for behaviour.

On to 'happier' stuff, Chinese New Year Day 1 was really really hectic as usual, and that it was a hot and humid day didn't make things any better. CNY visiting stretched from 10 am right till about after midnight! Well not that i'm really surprised since i do this every time CNY comes about. Many of you may envy me for all the red packets i get throughout the day, but trust me on this, all the stairclimbing, getting force fed CNY goodies and making up lame conversational topics and listening to the same "Wow you're so grown up" crap all day at every single location isn't worth the $2 red packets.

Well the 2-hour special season finale of Amazing Race 6 was shown on Channel 5 today, so here's a peek at my own Amazing Race itinerary today:

1. Set off from home about 10+ to an uncle's place at Shunfu Road
2. Back home at Upper Paya Lebar.
3. GrandAunt's place at Bishan
4. GrandUncle's place at Telok Blangah
5. GrandUncle's place at Redhill
6. Uncle's place at Bukit Purmei
7. Grandma's placeTiong Bahru
8. Back home
9. GrandAunt's place at Bukit Batok
10. Cousin's place at Bukit Panjang
11. Aunt's place at Clementi
12. Aunt's place at Clementi
13. Reach Home half-dead at 1 am.

Wait.. there's still 'good' news.. there are MORE places to cover tomorrow..

Anyway.. while i was at my cousin's place at Bukit Panjang, received my a call from my friend telling me about that the father of a friend i was pretty close to in the army has passed away. Can imagine his pain and sorrow.. and that it happens so close to CNY definitely makes things worse for him. Haven't talked to him yet, but hope he'll pull through this.

Time for us to reflect and use this occasion to cherish the people around us much much more.

skarekrow24 posted at 1:58:00 AM |
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Woke up today at 8+ am cause i had to work the 10.30 am shift @ The American Club today. It was still quite early, so I had a long bath after which i picked out my 'working outfit' for the day. Shortly, decided to go with the 'All Black' look, comprising of black leather shoes, black dress pants and my brand new $100+ black Polo Ralph Lauren shirt( a gift from Ronald). Realized that the shirt was a lil crumpled, so i figured that passing the shirt to my maid for ironing while i had my breakfast would be a good idea.


To my utmost horror, the shirt came back ruined. Guess which part of the shirt was ruined? Yes, it was the nice reddish Polo Ralph logo, and it was burnt by the iron from a shiny red to dull red with blackish spots. GREAT, just GREAT. Realized it only after Ron pointed it out when we were having dinner @ Taka. ARGHHHH... anger isnt something that comes to me easily, but stuff like that really makes me feel like STRANGLING someone.


On a lighter note, work @ The American Club was pretty enjoyable albeit really busy. Most of these 'ang moh' kids are really sooo soooo adorable, with their rosy cheeks and pinkish pouts. As lunch hour approached, the place got really really packed with those kids running all around, screaming and shouting. Was a little stressful, but the few cute, patient and well-behaved kids generally made the day's work worth it. End of the day on the bus journey back to Ron's place, was so shagged out that i fell asleep the moment i hit the seat.

Depressing day due to the Polo Ralph Ironing incident, but will be looking forward to my next shift @ The American Club.

skarekrow24 posted at 10:34:00 PM |
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